Existence is a funny thing, isn't it? It is as simple as- you either be or you don't! And yet we all wonder the question- how exactly ''to be''?
We all know that old saying- dubate ko tinake ka sahara. It means a drowning man clutches at even a straw. This saying, somehow gave me my answer to this troubling question.
I feel, in this world, when the river of time is flowing past us like wind, the only way not to drown and 'to be' is to 'hold on'. Hold on to something or someone and somehow you just swim ashore. We need that tinaka to save us from drowning. We need connection.
There's a Chinese concept known as Ikigai. It explains the idea of connection as a cosmic purpose for our existence. The first time I felt an urge to write about the first rain of the spring, I felt ikigai. Every time I hear the song of City of Stars or any piano medley, I feel ikigai. Connection runs in our nerves and it gives us depth.
For me, poetry and my love for music is my connection. For some its their passion, their profession, their love for someone, their desire for something. We all have a connection that we know of. You may have something too that makes you feel at home, at ease and yourself. So, whenever you feel lonely and disconnected form the world, just know you have lost your sense of connection. You need to run back to it. Even the tiniest of connection can hold on to you and save you from drowning. You need to hold it back. Just connect and you will be.
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