Mind that Attitude, son!!

When you find yourself lost in the buzz of typicality, and call for a recess of true originality, you find your true self waiting for your attention. So, here I am, celebrating my originality; my true self i.e. writing!!

So, you see, my college life has commenced. Which means  i have came across things like scheduled activities, gloomy lectures and most importantly, human interaction. That's right! Cause let's face it, it's just 2018 , and we don't have those virtual classrooms yet. So, yeah, new people and faces along with new experiences are erupting profusely.

 When it comes to experiences, I've always felt in my deep conscience, that in each phase of our life, there is a uniform cycle of typical events or shits that take place, equivalent to our past ones. For example, going in college is a new phase for me. And I've had my share of shits in school, too. But the same cycle is gonna be repeated- making friends, having a circle, making a reputation, maintaining standards, etc. And even though we already have gone through it, we still snap at times and places, the same way we did before. Learning is a very slow and shitty process, don't disagree!!

So I am here today to share a little wisdom from Saint Sahil and tell you how to basically "learn" from this cycle of shits. And hear me when I say, you need to comprehend this sentence:-


Now I'm sure many eyes have been rolled, thinking 'great! another Instagram post'. Well, once you get the hang of this, you'll thank me later.

What is an experience? Nothing but your perspective towards the event. And what your perspective is? Nothing but your attitude towards it. 

If at any point in your life, you feel that the cycle is being repeated and you won't be able to handle the adverts of the coming situation, my advise to you is just try and change your attitude towards the event. And then your experience takes up a whole new form.

Changing your attitude basically means taking a transition from a tensed attitude to more liberal and worry-less one. Now, this ain't gonna be easy, i admit, but at least now its not complicated, right? 

Nevertheless, I think that in this age and time, when depression is an official epidemic of the century, a childish and casual attitude is exactly what millennials should have, rather than the constant will-sucking and uptight attitude. 

So your attitude can either be your drowner or your life-saver in the floods of feelings, depending on how you choose to form it.

I'm feeling so relieved, to finally channelise all that from my mind onto the keyboard. So glad to finally have a grip of yourself. Anyways, thank you for reading this. Check my other posts if you haven't.

Be Idiot.
 Be Happy.


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